RISE UP 2 Program is a 6-week nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle program designed specifically for YOU!


Ready to change your life?

Struggling to feel confident and happy?

We understand!

Fear & self doubt get in the way, it can be overwhelming.

We are ready to help you start again.

Our Rise Up 2 Program is an 6-week challenge designed to get and stay on track with your wellness and weight management by stacking healthy lifestyle habits in manageable increments. This program will meet you where you are and take you to the next phase of wellness. This will emphasize and explain to you the factors surrounding healthy weight and a preventive lifestyle built by creating and maintaining smart habits in you everyday lives.

~~~~Bonus Content: Menopause and Mobility/Flexibility ~~~~

Maybe you want to change but you don't know where to start? You've tried things in the past and nothing has worked.


Do you constantly feel tired and wired? Do you feel so exhausted that the only way to survive is with caffeine or sugary snacks?


Are you fed up with wanting to lose weight but never feeling like you don't have the bandwidth to make big changes?


Do you have initial success only for old habits to come back? Do you lose weight at the start but regain it all (and more!)?

Fed Up

If you identified with any of the above, you are not alone!

I think the greatest thing I’ve learned in the last 5 months (at 50) is that we have to adjust and learn new ways to be successful as we age. The old ways don’t always work and our body is a big science experiment to figure out! As a trainer; I thought I knew what was best but clearly my body didn’t agree and I fought it for years.

Conventional fitness tells us to cut calories and do cardio, and even though I knew better, as a one time fitness competitor, I still fell to the BS the industry sells us all.

In order to drop the peri-menopause weight I’ve stopped doing any cardio other than long walks, I’ve increased my strength training (and my load) considerably, I’ve cut the alcohol along with processed sugary foods and I’ve upped my protein.

The results are 52 pounds I couldn’t shake GONE since 10/1/22. I’m eating more than I ever was before and my body just keeps getting leaner.

You aren’t the same person at 50 that you were in your 20’s and 30’s and learning to adjust might just be how you finally have success again. Don’t be scared to lift, eat (Whole Foods) and relax on the stressful high intensity cardio. De-stress, deep breathe, lift heavy and eat like you love yourself.

Train from a place of self-love, NOT self-criticism and fall in love with the process.

Our next RISE UP 2 challenge starts April 10th and peri-menopause and menopause will be a big subject we tackle. 1.2 BILLION women are currently in this stage of life. We are a powerful voice for answers.


You’ve got this, I believe in you and can’t wait to work with you!


That's exactly why we created our RISE UP 2 program.

Not only will it help you to eat better and lose fat but it will also help you to transform other areas of your life. Say goodbye to being overwhelmed by stress and comfort eating...say hello to eating well, feeling better, having a good night's sleep and being able to manage your day!!

Bonus Content: Menopause and Flexibility/Mobility


RISE UP 2 is a 6-week program we created which will help you to eat minimally processed foods and more whole foods.

The difference with this program is that it we also added lifestyle weekly habits as well. Weekly habits include nutrition, planning, hydration, sleep, sleep routines, and meditation.

If you have signed up for our first RISE UP challenge, this is NEW content to help you continually learn and grow to be the best version of YOU!

What's Included?

Nutrition Plan

Our program is designed to help you eat better, feel better and lose we will teach the skills you need to sustain your results and make lifelong changes.

Delicious Recipes

Don't worry about getting stuck in a rut of eating the same bland food. We will help you get inspired with our pack of delicious recipes and meal creation guides!


Losing fat and feeling better is about more than just food.

We will work on improving other lifestyle factors like sleep and stress management.

Success zooms

The program kicks off with a success zoom so that you feel confident starting the program, followed by weekly Q&A sessions to help you reach your goals.


We will keep you accountable and help you stay on track for the whole program...and if you do get stuck, you can message us anytime!


Surround yourself with a community of like-minded people. Share your journey, swap tips and ideas, and get support every step of the way.

  • Nutrition – Eat better, Move More, feel better and lose fat!

  • Fitness Plans - Focus on mobility and workouts.

  • Lifestyle Support – Improve more than just your diet. Learn to manage stress and improve your sleep.

  • Bonus Resources - Get our delicious recipe pack and success guides.

  • Success Calls – Online zoom sessions to answer your questions.

  • Accountability – With daily actions and weekly check-ins, we will help keep you on track for the whole program.

  • Community - Share your journey and swap tips and ideas with others.




Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will I get to talk with you one on one?

We have zoom meetings where you can join and ask questions. These are great for meeting like minded people & getting to know us more! Michelle will also offer weekly "office hours" where you can connect to ask personal questions.

2. How will I receive the program?

You will receive instructions to download our APP and with the app also have access to our PDF's that included everything you'll need.

Our app helps motivate you daily & keep you on track.

3. How long is the program?

RISE UP 2 is an 6-week program to help better yourself.

3. How much time will the program require each week?

Honestly, it is up to you how much time you invest in yourself each week. The daily reading on your app will require less than 5-minutes. Our workouts will be 20-45 minutes in length and you can listen to the zoom replays while working out. You can also add in parasympathetic practices like yoga and meditation to round out your wellness journey if you decide to prioritize them. The beautiful thing is we offer it all and it's up to YOU how much time you invest. We support your journey either way.

4. I don't know where to begin when it comes to eating healthier, will this program guide me on this?

YES! RISEUP2 comes with a nutrition guidance PDF and recipes to help make the 6 weeks easy for everyone.

5. Will there be workouts or training program?

YES, we have created both gym and home STRENGTH training plans which is intended to put you on the road to a healthier lifestyle. It gets you into the habit of working out on a regular basis, and you’ll get an idea of how to structure your workouts for optimal results. After a month, you’ll have increased your base level of fitness and be exercising at a level that lets you start seeing some gains. While the exercises alone won’t cause you to lose weight, when combined with a great base understanding of nutrition (plus a basic meal plan like the one outlined above), it will help you to reduce body fat and build muscle...becoming strong.

5. Will there be perimenopause and menopause guidance?

YES, you will receive a BONUS PDF to help educate you about your body during peri-menopause and menopause. Why you need to train differently, eat according to your hormone health and move in a way that allows your body to rest and repair. Michelle will also tackle these issues during many of her weekly zoom and Facebook LIVE sessions.

Money Back Guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied, 100% money back guarantee.

*Refunds only available during the first two weeks of the program.

Took a photo and measurements - lost another 5 inches for a total of 20 in. Down 14.4 lbs, only 2 lbs in the last month. But as Michelle says, don’t fret over the scale. I’ve gone down 3 sizes in jeans - 14 to 8 and the 8s are a little baggie and my leggings I wear to work out are getting loose - they used to be oh so tight! Lol!! Look at those white roots!!! Lol! I think I have neck muscles now."

- Cindy

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